About us

About us

About us

At Evolve Rehabilitation we provide long term slow stream rehabilitation services to New Zealanders. Our multi disciplinary team focus on peoples strengths and supporting the people in their care, along with their family and whānau, through their rehabilitation journey.

Through our person centred and evidence-based approach, we provide tailored individual rehabilitation programs where we focus on we focus on achieving the small steps needed to achieve client set goals.

Who we are

Who we help

We provide individually tailored care and wellbeing for short, medium, or long-term residential support and/or rehabilitation programmes for people over the age of 18.

We help to rehabilitate:
– People just discharged from hospital with brain injuries.
– Stroke clients requiring a period of rehabilitation.
– People with orthopaedic injuries requiring rehabilitation or who are waiting for housing modifications.
– People with behavioural challenges stemming from a brain injury.
– People with a range of complex physical needs.
– People requiring rehabilitation respite care or have a carer who needs a break.

Who we help

Our purpose

Enhancing the health, recovery and wellbeing of New Zealanders.

Our purpose

Ō mātou whāinga – Our Values

Manaakitanga – Integrity

is honesty used consistently and fairly to put the wellbeing of our people and all people in our care, first.

Manawanui – Commitment

is to bring the very best of yourself to every situation with kindness and respect.

Kotahitanga – Collaboration

is breaking down barriers to allow full participation so things get done.

Auahatanga – Innovation

is continually looking for improvement to extend the boundaries of care.

Ō mātou whāinga – Our Values